Carbon Capture is being pushed to the for-front of all business' and our primary product (RevivaSoil) can help with this. As well as remineralising the soil it can also sequester carbon in a sustainable ecological friendly way as it is a natural bi-product of production. Newcastle University have certified us to be able to issue Carbon Capture Certificates to our customers on evidence of RevivaSoil being spread as per our T&Cs.

We know nothing sits in isolation, which is why we look to reuse existing resources to reduce carbon emissions, restore soil structure and transform whole farm outputs.
Once the RevivaSoil is mixed into the soil, it reacts with carbon dioxide to form bicarbonate ions. Water dissolves the ions as it percolates through the soil and eventually flows into the oceans where it helps to reduce its acidity. Here the bicarbonate ions remain having safely sequestered the carbon dioxide.
At the same time, other ions such as calcium and magnesiumetc.are also released and may be taken up by plants as nutrients or balance the soils’ acidity level. When a sufficient amount of calcium or magnesium is released, the soil will undergo a process called carbonation which uses a different mechanism to sequester carbon dioxide. More research is being undertaken to quantify the amount of CO₂being sequestered. For a further in depth explanation please see: